Wednesday 3 June 2009

300 DVD Report

is based on Frank Millers graphic novel of the same name, it covers true events of King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) ruler of Sparta, his Queen (Lena Headey) and their war with King Xerxes of Persia (Rodrigo Santoro).

Leonidas and his personal army of three hundred Spartan soldiers take on the invading Persian army of one million men. Against unbelievable odds, Leonidas and his army show tremendous strength as they fight against certain death.

This is a high-octane epic battle doesn't pretend to be anything but that, its a visually stunning action movie filled with blood and gore. The cinematography is what separates this from Gladiator (which I also enjoyed). Overall, 300 is an awesome visual treat, with great narration and fantastic story too!

Here is the trailer...


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