Tuesday 23 June 2009

Derailed DVD Report

In Derailed, meeting on a train, executive Charles Schine (Clive Owen) and financial analyst Lucinda Harris (Jennifer Aniston) make an immediate connection. Worn down by his job, marriage, and sick daughter, Charles finds himself drawn to the escape Lucinda seems to offer. Dinner and drinks soon lead to a sleazy motel, where no sooner have the lovebirds got into their room, Philippe LaRoche (Vincent Cassel) a sadistic thief, enters the room, robs them and rapes Lucinda.

As their relationship is somewhat illicit, the two feel unable to go to the police, and are virtually powerless to their attackers continued blackmail, as he threatens their families and lives.

Derailed got many good reviews, but I fail to see why! The plot was so transparent, I worked out what was really happening 30 minutes in, all I can say in its defence, is it picked up in the last 20 minutes! Overall, not too bad if your at a loose end, but thats about all

Here is the trailer...

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