Thursday, 1 October 2009

Superman Returns DVD Report

Print: Good - Sound: Good - Label: Warner Brothers - Year: 2006 - Cover: Good - Format: 2.4:1 - Length: 2h27m/2h21m - Before: No - Again: No - Price: £1 - Rating: 6/10.

In Superman Returns, after several years of absence from Earth, people are used to life without Superman (Brandon Routh), on his return he discovers the world no longer needs him and isn't their hero and saviour, and one of these is Louis Lane (Kate Bosworth).

Louis has already moved on with another man and has a son, although he shows some super strength, but thats left for another movie! Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) has plans using crystals stolen from the Supermans Fortress of Solitude to submerge the entire USA, to be replaced by his own new continent made from Kryptonite!

I wasn't keen on the last Superman movie franchise, I found them too slow, and Superman Returns is sadly no different, cut 30 minutes out of it and it'll be much better! Spacey is great as Luthor though :) Overall, its a bit slow!

Here is the trailer...

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