Monday, 1 March 2010

Independence Day DVD Report

Print: Good - Sound: Good - Label: 20th Century Fox - Year: 1996 - Cover: Good - Format: 2.35:1 - Length: 2h27m/2h19m - Before: Yes on TV - Again: Maybe - Price: £1 - Wiki Link - IMDB Link - Rating: 6.5/10.

Despite my sons friend asking Didn't this really happen, they still celebrate it in the USA, its not a comedy lol. Its a very enjoyable, if you suspend reality, romp! Recommended.

Here is the trailer...


  1. I watched this the other weekend on channel 4. fflamin awful i thought!its too long and very very predictable. i wont watch another roland emmerich film again not after watching this and the day after tommoro

  2. the day after tommorrow is good, but like ID, you have to suspend reality :)


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