Sex Lives of the Potato Men is a hilarious comedy that takes the concept of gross-out to new heights. The Potato Men, Dave (Johnny Vegas), Ferris (Mackenzie Crook), Tolly (Dominic Coleman) and Jeremy (Mark Gatiss) work for a potato distribution warehouse in Birmingham.
Dave longs for the soft porn lifestyle but hes married with a kid. But when his wife throws him out, threesomes and group sex become a reality rather than a fantasy. Since his wife left, Ferris has taken full advantage of being young, free and single. But he’s also skint and forced to live with his mother-in-law who asks that her rent be paid in kind! Tolly, on the other hand, has never really recovered from his wife walking out on him. The whole ordeal has left him traumatized and the only way he can find satisfaction is by recreating his most memorable experiences with jam and fish paste sandwiches … Jeremy is the manager of the Potato Men and as such, thinks he’s a bit of a cut above the rest. He claims to enjoy wine, books and chess but in reality spends the majority of his spare time stalking his ex-girlfriend, sending her hate mail and kidnapping her dog.
Despite diabolical reviews that would sink a very large battleship, I risked it and watched, and all I can say is Sex Lives of the Potato Men is a fantastic movie! I laughed long and loud, and almost didn't come up for air! I know there will never be another movie like this, but if there was I'd buy it! Fantastic! More like this please!
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