Based on the best-selling horror action game, Silent Hill stars Radha Mitchell as Rose, a desperate mother who takes her adopted daughter, Sharon, to the town of Silent Hill in an attempt to cure her of her ailment. After a car crash, Sharon disappears and Rose begins her desperate search to get her back.
She descends into a fog of smoldering ash and into the center of the twisted reality of a towns terrible secret. Pursued by grotesquely deformed creatures and a townspeople who are stuck in permanent purgatory, Rose begins to uncover the truth behind the apocalyptic disaster that burned the town thirty years ago. Once You Enter Silent Hill there is no turning back!
I had seen a dodgy copy of Silent Hill when it first came out, so I was pleased to see a good copy :) I really enjoyed it, the monster sections where very HP Lovecraft and pretty tense! Overall a good movie, if your tempted, watch it!
I collect DVDs, we have over 3,000 titles in the house now! I buy most from Car Boot Sales,Poundshops, markets, sales, and greatly reduced from the internet, but I only buy what I want to watch! I do a short report when I watch them, I got rid of almost 800 titles at Christmas 2010 (low score, duplicates, ones I'd never watch etc.) I continue to wade through them, and appear to be buying slightly less, but still watching like mad :)
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