Thursday 19 February 2009

Charley Says Volumes 1 & 2 DVD Report

Charley Says Volumes 1 & 2
features the greatest television Public Information Films ever made!

DVD 1 features all the Charley Says, all the Tufty films, Joe and Petunia and loads of classic animated films. You also have Donald Pleasance as the Spirit of dark and Lonely Water, plus silly Jimmy who goes into a substation to get his frisby back and gets thousands of volts instead.

DVD 2 is less impressive as it seems to feature quite a few films which are very similar to each other and are quite boring, especially the b/w pre-1964 ones, but if you remember Derek Griffiths teaching us about SPLINK then these are on here too, as are the 1970s SOS - Switch off Something!

You can check out loads of Public Information Films here. However after four and a half hours of these, I'm now afraid of ice, fog, rain, snow, water, electricity, gas, cars, lorries, strangers, dogs, rabies, sneezing, leaving electricals plugged in, and a host of others. Maybe I'll just stay in bed! Overall, thoroughly recomended viewing!

Heres one from the DVD...

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