In Vampires Out For Blood, Hank Holtern (Kevin Dillon) is an alcoholic cop who is recently divorced, while investigating a missing girl he comes across a vampire den and is bitten by the vampire Master. Hank goes to his police chief (Lance Henriksen), who of course, he doesn't believe him!
So he tries his ex-wife (Vanessa Angel), who by coincidence, is a best-selling author of vampire novels and of course believes her ex-husband, but wants to meet the real vampires and become one of them...
The makeup effects OK, the story isn't a million miles from the very superior Blade, but overall its pretty enjoyable, but predictable!
I collect DVDs, we have over 3,000 titles in the house now! I buy most from Car Boot Sales,Poundshops, markets, sales, and greatly reduced from the internet, but I only buy what I want to watch! I do a short report when I watch them, I got rid of almost 800 titles at Christmas 2010 (low score, duplicates, ones I'd never watch etc.) I continue to wade through them, and appear to be buying slightly less, but still watching like mad :)
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