Sunday 15 March 2009

The Return DVD Report

The Return
never really gets out of the starting blocks, Sarah Michelle Gellar plays Joanna Mills, a saleswoman for a trucking company, who begins to see things that may or may not be there, and when she hallucinates about the murder of a woman, she must dive deep into her own past to stop it from happening.

The Return, must be given some praise for concentrating on the suspense angle instead of the gore, but sadly its crap, it looked like a good movie inside the box, but it stops with the DVD cover and leaves a dirty taste in your mouth to boot!

In fact, don't watch the Return, ever, if anyone offers to lend you this pile of shit, make sure your too busy to watch it, anything is better then entertaining this, and I do mean anything!

Here is the trailer, this is far better then watching the full movie...

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