Monday, 17 November 2008

An Inconvenient Truth DVD Report

An Inconvenient Truth
is Al Gore’s documentary about global warming and its consequences to all of us. Gore has been traveling the world for the past decade and a half, giving a PowerPoint presentation about global warming to anyone who would listen. This is a movie of that presentation, with a few added extras.

People who are interested in money and right wing politics, rather then the planet, call this propaganda, but that is just it - it is propaganda, but is also telling the truth!

Rather than claiming what Gore says is wrong, why not prove him wrong? Surely it can't be that hard - unless he is right! I suppose the real problem is those that really should listen and digest this, never will!

Gore doesn't have the charisma of Bill Cooper (remember him :) ), but what he says makes sense, unlike (Bill Cooper lol), but please don't confuse the two, other then public speaking they are very different, in fact I only mentioned Bill Cooper so I could include the link :)

Everyone should see An Inconvenient Truth, you can even order a free copy for your local library here. The movie also promotes this website!

Here is the trailer...

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