Wednesday 1 July 2009

Peter Benchleys Creature DVD Report

AKA: Creature - Print: Good - Sound: Good - Label: Prism Leisure - Cover: OK for budget title - Format: 4:3 (TV mini-series) - Length: 2h44m/2h42m - Before: No - Again: No - Price: £1 - Rating: 5/10.

In Peter Benchleys Creature, its 30 years since a strange shark hybrid secretly escaped from a naval research station, Doctor Simon Chase (Craig T Nelson), a marine biologist, his ex-wife Doctor Amanda Mayson (Kim Cattrall) and their teenage son Max (Matthew Carey) are working in that facility. Their boat experiences shark-like attacks, but the only one who'll believe their story is an local drunk called Werewolf (Giancarlo Esposito).

Together they explore the old naval buildings and discover a hidden caverns where they encounter a shark-like humanoid! Barely escaping with their lives, Amanda and Simon find the research notes and make the discovery that the creature is made by the US Navy from shark crossed with human DNA!

Peter Benchleys Creature is a TV mini-series, and has a few silly and predictable scenes, like Go past the old rum factory, across the marsh, you'll find the ancient burial site, where the townsfolk are involved in a heavily choreographed voodoo ritual! Whats more Ben can't find the up button of a lift, purely for dramatic effect, and lots of other sillyness. But it wasn't that bad, it just wasn't that good either!

Here is a clip...

The subtitles aren't on the movie! :)

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