In the Exorcism of Emily Rose, Emily (Jennifer Carpenter) is a normal albeit overly religious college student who enlists the help of Father Moore (Tom Wilkinson) after experiencing a series of unquestionably abnormal symptoms. The priest decides that Emily is actually possessed and moves forward with an exorcism which leads to Emilys death. Moore is subsequently charged with murder, with the star attorney Erin Bruner (Laura Linney) assigned to Moores case, Campbell Scott co-stars as the tough-as-nails prosecutor.
The Exorcism of Emily Rose primarily comes off as a straight-forward, matter-of-fact legal drama, as director and co-writer Scott Derrickson generally keeps the inherently spiritual aspects of the story to a minimum. And though the film is exceedingly well acted, Scott, in particular, is quite convincing in his role, but theres a curious lack of character development, something thats especially true of Linney's Bruner (we learn that she's Agnostic and little else).
I collect DVDs, we have over 3,000 titles in the house now! I buy most from Car Boot Sales,Poundshops, markets, sales, and greatly reduced from the internet, but I only buy what I want to watch! I do a short report when I watch them, I got rid of almost 800 titles at Christmas 2010 (low score, duplicates, ones I'd never watch etc.) I continue to wade through them, and appear to be buying slightly less, but still watching like mad :)
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