In Ghost Rider, superstar motorcycle stunt rider Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) makes a deal with the devil to save his father from cancer and protect his childhood sweetheart, Roxanne (Eva Mendes). But the devil kills his father after curing him.
Now, the devil has come for his due, by day, Johnny is a die-hard stunt rider, at night, in the presence of evil, he becomes the Ghost Rider, a flaming skeleton that hunts down wayward demons who dare to defy the Devil. Ghost Rider is forced to do the devils bidding, but Johnny also confronts his fate and uses his curse and powers to defend the innocent!
All I can say is Ghost Rider is a fantastic movie, breathtaking CGI, including Phantom Rider was a great idea, the story was good, and Cage carried off the part very well (much better than I thought he would)! Recommended!
I collect DVDs, we have over 3,000 titles in the house now! I buy most from Car Boot Sales,Poundshops, markets, sales, and greatly reduced from the internet, but I only buy what I want to watch! I do a short report when I watch them, I got rid of almost 800 titles at Christmas 2010 (low score, duplicates, ones I'd never watch etc.) I continue to wade through them, and appear to be buying slightly less, but still watching like mad :)
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