The People Under The Stairs is written and directed by Wes Craven, its inspired by a true story of parents keeping their children locked in a basement for years. Fool (Brandon Adams) and 2 friends break into the home of wealthy landlords, who are evicting his family from their ghetto tenement, to steal a fortune in gold coins that is rumoured to be inside. But Fool discovers the mansion is a chamber of horrors presided over by a pair of incestuous, serial killer siblings (Everett McGill and Wendy Robie).
The couple have attempted to raise a succession of kidnapped boys as their own, but each was a failure and is handled the same way, his tongue is cut out and sent to live in the sealed-off basement, were a colony of the same exist. Fool is able to avoid the couple, as he moves through the maze of hidden passages, he discovers the occupants daughter, Alice (AJ Langer), who has so far survived their abuse, but what can Fool do?
The People Under The Stairs is basically a modern-day fairytale, it makes me think of Hansel and Gretel etc. but is a very entertaining movie, plus it has a fairy-tale happy ending too :)
I collect DVDs, we have over 3,000 titles in the house now! I buy most from Car Boot Sales,Poundshops, markets, sales, and greatly reduced from the internet, but I only buy what I want to watch! I do a short report when I watch them, I got rid of almost 800 titles at Christmas 2010 (low score, duplicates, ones I'd never watch etc.) I continue to wade through them, and appear to be buying slightly less, but still watching like mad :)
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